Дихання шаманів

Дихання, що змінить ваше життя всього за 20 хвилин на день.

Практики усвідомленого дихання, які допомагають позбутися тривоги, депресивних станів, відновити хороший сон та пізнати своє внутрішнє "Я".


Чи відчуваєте ви, що сучасний світ забирає у вас спокій? Тривога, стрес, безсонні ночі стали вашими постійними супутниками? Або ж навпаки, ви у "сплячці", але всеодно без сил? :(

Уявіть, що всього за 20 хвилин ви можете повернути собі внутрішній баланс, спокій і радість життя. Звучить неймовірно? Але це реальність.


Дихання Шаманів – аудіо-файл, який я зібрав власноруч, додав спеціальні частоти, а також озвучив своїм голосом, який проведе вас через глибинну практику усвідомленого дихання та відкриє вам секрети древніх дихальних практик.80 % людей відчули стан ейфорії вже після першої практики
• Покращує сон: Забудьте про безсонні ночі та важкі пробудження. • Знімає тривогу та стрес: Відчуйте легкість буття і спокій розуму. • Допомога при депресії та ПТСР: М’яко і ефективно підтримує в складні моменти життя.
Мій шлях до цього знання
Я особисто відвідав шаманів в джунглях Перу та в горах Тибету. Я пережив трансформаційні досвіди, які змінили моє життя назавжди. Тепер я хочу поділитися цим з вами.
Що ви отримаєте:
• Аудіофайл тривалістю 20 хвилин 42 секунди, який ви можете слухати в будь-який час і в будь-якому місці. • Доступ до древніх практик, адаптованих для сучасної людини. • Миттєвий результат: Вже після першого прослуховування ви відчуєте зміни.
Не відкладайте своє благополуччя на потім
Життя занадто коротке, щоб витрачати його на стрес і тривогу. Дозвольте собі відчути гармонію і радість вже сьогодні.
Спеціальна пропозиція: Тільки сьогодні придбайте “Дихання Шаманів” за спеціальною ціною!
Придбати зараз
Пам’ятайте, зміни починаються з першого кроку. Зробіть його прямо зараз.

  • Trainee program for young talents with big ambitions

  • Relocation and full support for experts from cities



Learn to control your own thoughts and life.



We offer classes for beginners and experts.

About us

Plunge Yourself Into the Spiritual World of Yoga

Atta Yoga is a community of people dedicated to sharing our years of practice of yoga so that you can truly meet yourself. All our classes combine flow, yogic teachings, music, and exploration. Sign up for the first lesson and join any yoga practices you like.

Our method of training is staying true to the Gurukula system.

We offer a comprehensive inner adventure with the guarantee of high quality and personal touch. Our retreats are the perfect way to unwind and relax in a friendly environment.
At the Atta Yoga studio, we know that yoga is vital to remain grounded both physically and mentally during hard times. We continue making yoga accessible to everyone, both in person and online. We offer a variety of classes and affordable payment options.


Yoga types

Yoga BasicsAshtanga Yoga Vinyasa Yoga Hatha Yoga Prenatal YogaYin Yoga Meditation Classes


Stress + Mental HealthDigestive Conditions Back Pain, Neck Pain Post-Surgical Support Migraines, HeadachesReproductive Health Depression


Yoga for Beginners

Join our classes for Level 1.

Explore yoga during our beginner classes! Coaches will tell you more about yoga and teach you the basic things:

    Basic poses;
    Transitional movements;
    How to breath properly.

Yoga is Your Answer

Yoga allows you to clear your mind and find inner peace. Feeling overwhelmed? Practice yoga.


The Variety of Yoga Classes

Select classes you would like to take.



Prenatal Yoga



Vinyasa Yoga



Ashtanga Yoga



Yoga Basics



Yin Yoga



Hatha Yoga


Transform Your Body, Mind, and Life Today!

Yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice that will help you progress in your life.

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Become a Teacher or Just Improve Your Practice

We offer classes for all skill levels.

Based on the tradition of authentic ancestors, our program is aimed at bringing yoga back to its true home as an alive art and as a comprehensive way to revival.
We are highly experienced teachers committed to providing a clear education while enabling you to reveal your true abilities and potential.
You can practice yoga for your own development or become an instructor after mastering all levels. We offer vast opportunities for professional training of future yoga coaches.


Yoga Pricing Plans

We offer yearly and monthly memberships, class passes, and special online memberships.


Monthly Membership

Get your monthly membership and practice yoga without limits.

9-Month Unlimited $1200 6-Month Unlimited $600 3-Month Unlimited $350 1-Month Unlimited $120


Class Passes

Choose the number of sessions you need and use them within 3 months.

1 Class $80 5 Classes $125 7 Classes $150 10 Classes $250


Online Classes

Practice yoga online from anywhere in the world with our coaches.

1 Class $70 5 Classes $100 Private Lesson $90 Monthly $120



Clients Say About Us

We appreciate your warm words and thoughts.


Lucile Peterson

“Thanks to yoga classes at the Atta Yoga studio, I have become much calmer and more organized in my thoughts and actions. Yoga is a really good option for those who don't like the usual active gym workouts. I love my yoga classes at Atta!”

December 15, 2021


Lucile Peterson

“Thanks to yoga classes at the Atta Yoga studio, I have become much calmer and more organized in my thoughts and actions. Yoga is a really good option for those who don't like the usual active gym workouts. I love my yoga classes at Atta!”

December 15, 2021


Gillian Adler

“I have been practicing at Atta Yoga Studio for two years now. During this time, I have found many friends and like-minded people here. I like that this is not just a yoga studio but a whole community that promotes a healthy approach to mind, body, and life overall.”

MARCH 02, 2022


Ashley Parson

“Yoga is my path to a healthy and flexible body. I tried different sports, but they quickly tired me. Yoga helps me to be in good shape without exhausting physical exertion. In addition, I like the studio itself where classes are held and the coaches — very pleasant and polite people.”

NOVEMBER 12, 2022

special offer

Yoga is For Everyone!

Get your -10% discount on all classes.

We offer a 10% discount on the first class or membership, so that you can get to know our yoga instructors better and choose classes to your liking.
All you need is to contact our managers and sign up for the first lesson. When you come to our studio, you will pay for one lesson or the selected membership with a 10% discount.


News & Articles

Read more about yoga practices and Eastern approaches to mental and physical health.


educate | 12.06.2022

Hatha Yoga: Myths and Reality

Hatha yoga, translated from Sanskrit, means the following: Ha and Tha are two primordial energy flows that are opposite in quality and, interacting with each other, create the whole diversity of the manifested being...

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    Yoga for Spine Health

    85% of the world's inhabitants suffer from osteochondrosis. Regrettably, the main reason for such diseases is better living conditions.

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  • Illustration

    Padmasana — Lotus Pose

    When we say "yoga," we usually imagine a stern hermit and ascetic, sitting in a lotus position with a straight back and a stone face.

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